Assalamu'alaikum....Sahabat Blogger yang terhormat. Kali ini penulis beginner ini akan memberikan tutorial yang memang sudah kuno dipakai oleh blogger. Walaupun sudah kuno, tetapi tips ini sangat menarik untuk penampilan blog.
To the point, perhatikan langkah-langkah berikut:
To the point, perhatikan langkah-langkah berikut:
- Log in your blog
- Clcik the layout and add gadget (HTML/Java Script) or Creat new post if you were posting... So, yourself!!!
- On the gadget or post area, Copy & Paste this code (before, you must edit) : <marquee scrolldelay="200" align="center" direction="up" height="200" onmouseout="this.start()" onmouseover="this.stop()" scrollamount="2" width="200"> ::<a href="">Cool</a>::<p> ::<a href=""><blink>Singo Bali</blink></a>::<p> ::<a href=""><i>Heben Blogger^^ (tak kasih onus backlink dach, adek yg satu ini :D)</i></a>::<p> Link....<p> Link....<p> Dst....<p> </marquee>
- Marquee is HTML code that function to move a object on the HTML page
- Scrolldelay is Marquee delay type it's like a watch to arrange time
- textarea (whrited: < ! textarea width="100% or 80% or yourself dach pokok'e" atc ! > without exclamation (!) and be finished by < ! /textarea"> without exclamation (!) and double qoute (")), it's make coloum/ text area that use as code place, so that the code not work. Remember example about text area: the code is there on text area, so the code can't work. Whereas if it was not gived text area, the code will such as the example^^.... (Bahasaku muter-muter... Maklum, I'm beginner ^_))
- Blink is HTML code for effect glisten text (be whrite: <(blink)> the text in here , Example:, it will glimming if it was add blink code ::::::::
- Up to now, at other time will learned together the HTML code , hhmm, we are together... sharing^^ Good Luck!!!!!
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